SL Yamaguchi-go steam train
Der Grüne Reiseführer

Hilfreiche Informationen


Up until the late 1960s, this steam train used to travel back and forth between the towns of Tsuwano, in the prefecture of Shimane, and Shin-Yamaguchi, 63km/39mi away, in the Yamaguchi prefecture. Pulled by an ancient but perfectly maintained C571 steam locomotive, for the last forty years it has been transporting tourists in its five carriages, which date from different periods, on a 2hr-journey through unspoiled rural scenery.


  • Startort der Route
  • Zielort der Route
  • Zwischenziel der Route
  • Hotels in der Nähe
  • Restaurants in der Nähe

Sehenswürdigkeitenund Attraktionen in der Nähe

Unterkünftein der Nähe

Der Grüne Reiseführer

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