Le Fantastique
22 Franklin St., San Francisco 94102 Routenplaner


  • Modern
  • Für Körperbehinderte leicht zugängliche Räume
  • Visa

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As its name might imply, this hip, swanky wine bar isn't shy on confidence, but fortunately the swagger is more than just bluster. Creativity and finesse are part and parcel of the cooking, and the too-cool vibe and vinyl soundtrack are matched by gracious hospitality.
An assortment of crudos features impeccable fish enhanced by careful curing or dry aging, like wild-caught buri with citron oil and fresh horseradish that adds up to more than the sum of its parts. Exceptional fresh-baked bread is even better paired with a charmingly unique lobster Thermidor; and composed vegetable plates, like celeriac brûlée, leave an impression. Likewise, desserts are exceptional, including a riff on s’mores featuring toasted lemon meringue and cinnamon chocolate crémeux.


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